I have had this helmet for over 35 years possibly 40+ years. It was the first fire police helmet that I purchased from a vet with the Comb on top. It seemed all the fire police helmets I bought had the cut out slots on the top for the comb but none had the comb on them. I remember you could buy Combs back then form someof the traveling German from Germany dealers but they did not have the underlinement that seperates the Comb from the helmet. Anyways this helmet has seen lots of use even the Comb is dented and banged up. The two decals the Police and National Sheild are present and would rate mid 90% complete. The police decal has the narrow border, and both decals would clean up. The paint is scratched and banged up showing lots of use. The liner is there with repairs to the eyelets for holding the draw string. The long strap is loose from the liner but there. Condition As is
Price: $400.00
SKU: JMT8434