This is an early set of Fire Police Dress Tunic & Pants that are a recent pick up. The tunic is a tailored custom made set with no makers tag or size listing. This tunic was made with a high quality dark blue wool material. The interior is lined with no secret pockets. The collar Lintzes are flat wire bullion, the epaulets are correct and made with bullion wire and the pink eagle arm patch is the standard Police emblem withe the Letters LOHE above the eagle. The patch is hand sewed to the tunic. I would guess that the tunic size is a US 34. The tunic has all the aluminum buttons, the pink piping has minor moth damage only on the rear side of the collar.
The pants are also custom tailor made of high quality black wool with the a pink Piping. There are two pockets with vertical openings along with a pocket watch pocket. The shoulder strap buttons and fly buttons are all steel painted black. The rear of the pants has the typical strap and the two prong catch for adjustment.
Condition new old stock never used. -Mint
Price: $650.00
SKU: JMT9564