This is a neat CBI Air Transport group that includes A-Wood Cover photo album with 165+ photos the one I like best is a U.S. pilot with the Chinese Pilots wing and his ribbon bar has the ribbon for a British flight medal my guess DFC. B- Two CBI period patches one printed the other embroidered, pair of Air Transport collar disk, Pacific Passenger Transport Guide Booklet C- Framed leather 10” x 10” what has always been called the blood chit photo is not sharp as it’s under dirty glass. D- two leather patches cut off a leather jacket one is the CBI patch the other is the Air Transport 4” round patch. E- there is a note on the back of the bold chit frame stating that some womens husband was flying over the Hump, again glass is dirty. of course she did not list her name. Both leather patches are bright in their color not faded out.
Condition very good ++++
Price: $1,200.00
SKU: JMT9440