Just purchased this from the grandson of a WWI British Veteran and I have to admit its the first British Pith helmet I have ever bought. This Wolseley Patter Sun Helmet called a TOPI by the British soldiers is constructed of Cork covered by cloth. The top is made of six panels and has the typical vent on the top. On this helmet the top of the adjustable vent is missing looks just like the WWII German Pith helmet top. The helmet itself is in very good shape the rear apron cork needs to be flatten out and can be accomplished as the cork is still flexible. The decorative cap band is complete and really adds a lot to the overall looks of the helmet. The underside of the apron has a green felt material that the moths have takes some nips out of it. The Chin strap is omplete on the original brass hooks. The leather sweat bank is in exceptional shape with the interwoven red thread that appears to be the only adjustment for head size. His grandfathers name is inked on the sweat band W.C.W. Robinson. I had to do research on the internet to know anything about this helmet and from what I have seen this helmet is in far better condition than any other listed WW! British Path Helmets for sale. Condition very good ++++ I also have his canvas military pack bag dated 1916 that is available
Price: $285.00
SKU: JMT9254