This M3 helmet is new old stock never issued never worn hardly played with. I listed it as Mint a term I do not use often. This helmet has been in my collection for 40+ years and is truly one of the best that I have ever seen for sale. The outer shell is 100% covered with the fuzzy green finish, the canvas chin strap is completely flexible and never been snapped together. The hinge knuckles have been hardly used and retain all of their finish. The inside also has the entire area sprayed with the fuzzy green finish the inside webbing is perfect there even is the original instructions on how to use the helmet tucked up under the webbing. The only down item is that the felt pads on the ear flaps have absorbed moisture along the way in storage that caused light surface rust to the ear flaps. When I purchased this helmet out of an original box of them I picked the best with little to no storage wear to the exterior shell. All the helmets had the light rust to the underside of the ear flaps. I had to put a special sign on this helmet while displayed on the shelf as everyone wanted to handle it, and I was afraid of any damage to the fragile finish. Condition Mint -
Price: $500.00
SKU: JMT9042