Red Ball Express X-Medic Helmet
This is a really cool helmet, we don't see real painted US helmets often. It may not be as sexy as some of the other painted helmets I have had over the years but it is definitely very cool and real! The exterior shows lots of use and some age but nothing bad, just nice enough so we know it is real. On each side there is a simple cross that was covered up so I suspect it was a medic helmet. During WWII there was no standardization for what a medic helmet should look like so they vary a lot. By Korea they were standardized so they are mostly the same. Anyway, it has a nice light tan chin strap and the extra leather strap you never find on these. The liner is well worn and dirty from use, I like to see that! Nice helmet!
Price: $799.00
SKU: RedBallExpresshelmet