Again a NOS book on the Tiger Tank I & II by Thomas L. Jentz. Ithought that this would be another photo book on the Tiger tanks but I was 100% wrong. This book has photos of the complete interior and line drawings of how the items worked.Hard to explain this book other than if you want to know about a Tiger this is a book you must have. It is a hard cover 12" high by 9" wide with 170 pages full of close up photos and list all the modifications done to the various model changes. As late as 1945 they were working on a stabilized gun sight and a range finder mounted in the turret. The upgrading of the Tiger never stopped including a proposed 10.5 cm cannon. I must say this is the book on Tigers that will teach you the most. Condition New Old Stock
Price: $40.00
SKU: JMT8932